Your generous donations made way for Rebecca to reach Thailand with a team of short-term missionaries to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide necessary food and aid.

Your faithful kindness and generosity have made Roberto's (our Guatemalan ministry affiliate) cancer journey more hopeful. Your gifts have allowed Roberto to continue receiving the necessary checkups and treatments, maintain food on the table, and have a sense of relief.

Your contributions allowed Our CONNECTIONS India team to provide umbrellas during the rainy season, mosquito nets to combat malaria, and emergency aid to a farming family.

With the recent persecution of our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, your love gift helped provide food to feed families, medicine, and cots for individuals to sleep on.

Life can throw unexpected curve balls. Nevertheless, God always brings people into our lives to help us get to the home plate. Your contributions did just that with the Maldonado family.

With Wildfire Kingdom Church, your contributions helped provide backpacks, school supplies, and a back-to-school lunch in the park through the 100 Bags of Love Outreach to numerous children in the Greater Wilmington area.